Rā Hihi rising in Pakūranga

It has taken just eight months to dig 24 foundation piles each 30 metres deep and build 14 tall piers that will support Rā Hihi (flyover) above Reeves Road and across Tī Rākau Drive in Pakūranga as part of the Eastern Busway project.
The final two piers will be poured in December marking a progress milestone and enabling 136 concrete “Super T” beams to continue to be added across the top of the structure.
Work to build Rā Hihi began in March 2024 and is on track to be completed in 2025 on time and within budget.
Rā Hihi is part of the Eastern Busway project that will improve travel times and help to ease congestion in East Auckland. Establishing this direct link carrying 4 lanes of traffic between Pakūranga Road and the South Eastern Highway will lead to a reduction in traffic by up to 40% along Pakūranga Road and Tī Rākau Drive, particularly during peak hours.
During construction, access to the Pakūranga town centre, local businesses and homes is being maintained to minimise the impacts on the community, and information about other available routes is provided to help residents navigate the changing road layouts.
The Eastern Busway project is being delivered by an alliance of Auckland Transport with Fletcher Construction, ACCIONA, AECOM and Jacobs in partnership with mana whenua.

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